Departamento de Engenharia de Produção – TEP

Artigos mais relevantes de 2018

Abaixo você confere as publicações mais relevantes dos professores do TEP em 2018:


ALVAREZ, D.; FIGUEIREDO, M. G. ; ADAMS, R. N. . O acidente da plataforma de petróleo P-36 revisitado 15 anos depois: da gestão de situações incidentais e acidentais aos fatores organizacionais. CADERNOS DE SAÚDE PÚBLICA, v. 34, p. 1-12, 2018.

ANGULO MEZA, L. ; SOARES DE MELLO, J.C.C.B. ; GOMES JUNIOR, S.F. ; MORENO, P. . Evaluation of post-graduate programs using a network data envelopment analysis model. DYNA (MEDELLÍN), v. 85, p. 83-90, 2018.

BELLA, R. F. ; QUELHAS, O. G. ; FERRAZ, F. T. ; BEZERRA, M. S. . Workplace Spirituality: Sustainable Work Experience from a Human Factors Perspective. SUSTAINABILITY, v. 10, p. 1887, 2018.

BIAZ, B. M. ; FERREIRA, V. H. ; FORTES, M. Z. ; LOPES, T. T. ; LIMA, G. B. A. . Islanding Detection in Distributed Generation using Unsupervised Learning Techniques. IEEE LATIN AMERICA TRANSACTIONS, v. 16, p. 118-125, 2018.

BULHOES, T. ; SADYKOV, R. ; UCHOA, E. . A branch-and-price algorithm for the Minimum Latency Problem. COMPUTERS & OPERATIONS RESEARCH, v. 93, p. 66-78, 2018.

BULHÕES, T.; PESSOA, A. A.; PROTTI, F.; UCHOA, E. . On the complete set packing and set partitioning polytopes: Properties and rank 1 facets. OPERATIONS RESEARCH LETTERS, v. 46, p. 389-392, 2018.

COSTA, E. F.; ANGULO MEZA, L.; ROBOREDO, M. C. . A DEA model to evaluate Brazilian container terminals. RAIRO-OPERATIONS RESEARCH, v. 52, p. 743-754, 2018.

FREITAS, A. L. P.; MONTEIRO, G. A. P.; COSTA, H. G. . Assessing the quality of information technology infrastructure services. INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT & DATA SYSTEMS, p. 35, 2018.

GANHADEIRO, T.; CHRISTO, E.; ANGULO MEZA, L.; COSTA, K.; SOUZA, D. . Evaluation of Energy Distribution Using Network Data Envelopment Analysis and Kohonen Self Organizing Maps. ENERGIES, v. 11, p. 2677, 2018.

GENTILE, J.; PESSOA, A. A.; POSS, M.; ROBOREDO, M. C.. Integer programming formulations for three sequential discrete competitive location problems with foresight. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH, v. 265, p. 872-881, 2018.

KAMPFFE, M. G. F. ; DUIM, F. A. C. D. ; GARCIA, P. A. A. ; SALDANHA, P. L. C.; JACINTO, C. M. C.; LIMA, G. B. A.; OLIVEIRA, H. L. S. . Estimating BOP Kill-Line Failure Probability Combining High level and Experts Opinion Informations. IEEE LATIN AMERICA TRANSACTIONS, v. 16, p. 2199-2206, 2018.

LIMA, C. B. C. ; ARANHA, P. E.; CASTRO, J. F. T.; LIMA, G. B. A.; HOUGAZ, A. B.; TERRA, F. S. . Integrated risk management: a Petrobras application in offshore well construction safety to minimize critical emergency disconnections. PETROLEUM SCIENCE, v. 15, p. 421-431, 2018.

LOPES, R. F. ; SOARES DE MELLO, J.C.C.B. ; GUARDIOLA, J. F. H. ; SILVA, F. C. . Modelo de análisis multicriterio en la evaluación de los diferentes cultivos para producción de biodiesel. REVISTA ELETRÔNICA EM GESTÃO, EDUCAÇÃO E TECNOLOGIA AMBIENTAL, v. 22, p. 7, 2018.

LOPES, R. F. ; SOARES DE MELLO, J.C.C.B. ; SILVA, I. M. . Analysis of efficiency of biodiesel production in a laboratory scale using a Network Data Envelopment Analisys – DEA methodology. REVISTA ELETRÔNICA EM GESTÃO, EDUCAÇÃO E TECNOLOGIA AMBIENTAL, v. 22, p. 4, 2018.

OLIVEIRA, A. S.; BARROS, M. D.; PEREIRA, F. C. ; GOMES, C. F. S.; COSTA, H. G. . Prospective Scenarios: a Literature Review on the Scopus Database. FUTURES, v. 100, p. 20-33, 2018.

PESSOA, A. A.; SADYKOV, R.; UCHOA, E. . Enhanced Branch-Cut-and-Price algorithm for heterogeneous fleet vehicle routing problems. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH, v. 270, p. 530-543, 2018.

QUADROS, H.; ROBOREDO, M. C.; PESSOA, A. A. . A branch-and-cut algorithm for the multiple allocation r-hub interdiction median problem with fortification. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS, v. 110, p. 311-322, 2018.

SILVA, H. N. C.; PRATA, D. M. ; LIMA, G. B. A.; ZOTES, L. P.; MATTOS, L. V. . A techno-economic evaluation of the energy generation by proton exchange membrane fuel cell using biogas reforming. JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, v. 200, p. 598-608, 2018.

SILVA, Y. L. T.V. ; SUBRAMANIAN, A.; PESSOA, A. A.. Exact and heuristic algorithms for order acceptance and scheduling with sequence-dependent setup times. COMPUTERS & OPERATIONS RESEARCH, v. 90, p. 142-160, 2018.

SOUZA, L. P.; GOMES, C. F. S.; BARROS, A. P. . Implementation of new Hybrid AHP-TOPSIS-2N method in sorting and prioritizing of an it capex project portfolio. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & DECISION MAKING, v. 17, p. 977-1005, 2018.

TAVARES, R. S.; DRUMOND, G. M.; ANGULO MEZA, L.; MÉXAS, M. P. . Efficiency assessment in university libraries. TRANSINFORMACAO, v. 30, p. 65-79, 2018.

VELASCO, A. S. ; UCHOA, E. . Improved state space relaxation for constrained two-dimensional guillotine cutting problems. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH, v. 272, p. 106-120, 2018.



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